Bag of Foam Samples


We recommend every first time buyer purchasing a bag of foam samples from us. Our deffinition of firm may be different to your deffinition. This bag will include a sample of all our foams. Keep in mind foam feels firmer when it is thicker so although you make like the feel of our "firm" foam at 2" it will a lot firmer at 5". Please see our foam buying guide for more information or call us on 01752 204060.

Foams included in All Samples:

Firm, Medium, Soft, Luxury gold soft, Memory foam, Packaging foam & Extra Firm/Reconstituted/Chip.

Foams included in sofa cushion samples:

Firm, Medium, Soft, Luxury gold soft.

Please note Medium soft is not included as it is a combination of the Medium and Soft foams laminated together.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Anonymous (Kirkcaldy, United Kingdom)

Good selection, asked for different depths and they delivered

Juniper L.

Good when looking at sofa cushion options for fillings before going ahead.

Finn O.
Helpful for Choosing the Right Foam

The samples are a great way to compare different foam densities and textures. It makes it easy to choose the right foam for your specific needs.

Elara P.
A Must-Have for DIYers

If you're a DIYer, this sample pack is a must-have. It's a great way to explore the possibilities of foam and find the perfect material for your next project.

Leander M.
A Handy Reference

This sample pack is a great way to see and feel the different types of foam before placing an order. It's a helpful tool for making informed decisions.